Directions to LaptopMD New York
It’s easy to find us – we’re located right in the center of midtown
Laptop MD NYC 247 W 38th St #602, New York, NY 10018
☎ 212-920-4833
☎ 973-553-0794
(Toll Free)
By Subway
We’re located between 7th & 8th Ave. across from Penn Station, accessible to all major subway lines on 34th St. From the east side, take the 6 train to 33rd street and a cross-town bus to 7th or 8th avenues.
By Car
1) Short-term parking is available near our offices but you can call ahead and we will come down and meet you on the street. 2) For our on-the-go customers, you can take advantage of free parking after 7pm on 35th street.
Prices in different stores may vary.